Business Intelligence
Collecting, Analyzing and Transforming Data into Information and Knowledge
What is business intelligence?
Organizations that decide to implement Business Intelligence (BI) systems set themselves the goal of being constantly up-to-date on all the indicators and KPIs needed for the efficient and effective management of their operational and decision-making activities
In summary, BI systems, in complete automation, query Databases, organize data, process information, create Indicators and KPIs making them usable for all organizational levels with interactive, simple and comprehensive graphics. In more advanced systems such processing can occur in time intervals measured in seconds.
What are the benefits?
The most significant benefit is having more resources, such as time and people, dedicated exclusively to the descriptive and interpretive analysis of all indicators and KPIs, with the aim of diagnosing any critical issues, searching for areas of improvement in organizational processes, and formulating corrective actions in a short time frame.
Thus, thanks to the BI system, the entire P-D-C-A (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle of the organization benefits from relevant advantages in terms of improving the management of decision-making and operational processes.
In many organizations, the descriptive analysis phase does not even begin, precisely because the resources for transforming data-rich databases into usable information are lacking.
Business intelligence tools automate all time-consuming and complex processes of data extraction and processing, benefiting interpretive and decision-making processes.
Data Valorization
Data valorization, identifiable as a Business Data Management Process (BDMP), is increasingly crucial for reducing areas of decision-making uncertainty, typical of organizations operating in complex, hypercompetitive markets, and developing digital transformation processes, which have digital data management as a relevant point.
Such transformation, however, does not mean simply digitizing some process or activity in the organization or moving from a physical to a digital channel. It has a much broader dimension and purpose in that it fundamentally changes the way the organization:
Formulates and implements the enterprise's business model;
Identifies, designs, implements and distributes the value created for and with its customers, and together with key partners.
The analytical capabilities of extracting data from different sources and the use of relational, secure and easy-to-use data warehouse technologies (such as cloud technologies), allows you to support products, processes, services and decision models that improve efficiency, the effectiveness and operational performance of the organization.
In addition, BDMP generates tremendous benefits in terms of productivity, simplification, agility, flexibility, cost reduction, streamlining, customer service, and management of the organization's customer and partner relationships.
The 7 Stages of the Business Data Management Process
the current status of the BDMP within the organization
on the organization's processes/activities for operational decision making
for each prioritized process-activity-use case, a KPI dashboard that provides a clear and intuitive understanding of the dynamics of the organization's decision-making process and the impact in terms of performance improvement of key indicators
both inbound and outbound, data sources in an omnichannel logic
the operating model and a distributed data architecture that can support in a simple, intuitive and multi-device way the exploitation of data usage opportunities at the various decision-making and operational levels of the organization.
Data Governance
In other words, the continuous updating and automated
Organizational and Enterprise Culture Change
to ensure that Digital Data Management solutions are adopted and scalable throughout the organization, making them easy and intuitive to use.